With clickbooq, you have the option to upload music to your portfolio site. Remember, most music is copyright-protected – ensure any music you upload is not infringing on any copyright laws. When visitors come to your website, the music player will automatically load and start playing. For this reason, it is important to optimize your audio compression settings for the web, otherwise your viewers might be stuck with long load times. Ideally, your mp3 files should be 5MB or smaller.
In this tutorial, I will walk you through the step-by-step process using iTunes to create your audio file. If you use another audio player, don’t worry—you will follow a similar path. The outlined process will result in the creation of an mp3 file at 128kpbs, 44.1khz. However, should your file still be too large at that compression setting, you can reduce it to 96kbps or lower. As a general rule of thumb, the longer the song, the larger the file. For example, a 5 minute song file at 128kpbs will be larger in size than a 5 minute song at 96kbps.
(If your mp3s are already 5MB and below, you can skip these steps and upload the file)
Setting Your Import Settings to 128kbps
1. In iTunes, open the Preferences window.
![itunes screenshot](http://clickbooq.comwp-content/uploads/2009/04/Picture-1.png)
2. The Preferences window will default to the General tab. Within this tab, click the Import Settings button near the bottom right hand side of the window.
![itunes screenshot 2](http://clickbooq.comwp-content/uploads/2009/04/Picture-2.png)
3. The Import Settings window will pop up. In this window, select MP3 Encoder in the Import Using drop-down menu.
![itunes screenshot 3](http://clickbooq.comwp-content/uploads/2009/04/Picture-3.png)
4. Next, select Good Quality (128 kbps) in the Setting drop-down menu.
![itunes setting import](http://clickbooq.comwp-content/uploads/2009/04/Picture-4.png)
5. Click the OK button at the bottom right hand corner, and you’re all ready to go!
Converting Your Files With Your New Import Settings
1. Find the song in your iTunes library that you would like to convert.
2. Right click on this song file, and on the drop down menu, select Create MP3 version.
![itunes playlist](http://clickbooq.comwp-content/uploads/2009/04/Picture-5.png)
3. You’re all set!
Lastly, if you’re looking for cool music to play on your website because you don’t have any friends that make beats or are in bands, then check out Bandcamp.com. In their artists section you can find tons of dope music from up and coming bands, producers, etc. A lot of these artists make their music available for free–which is great for clickbooq users–but be sure to check the band’s license terms.